About Us

I decided to start spaced out when I came across an image that had the initial meaning of dreaming big. To me however, all i could see someone lost in their own head. I wanted to find a way where i could best represent that feeling. The feeling of being on earth, surrounded by people, but your heads stuck in space. Stuck in your thoughts. 
Ive been drawing ever since I can remember but, for a handful of years now, It’s something that has helped me get out of my head. Ive spent all of High school and University drawing Mandelas on the back of my hands or doodling random things on paper.  However, I am someone who is also a perfectionist, so while its distracting, drawing can also be very frustrating. I’ve specifically made my Mandela pieces so that some aspects aren’t perfect, in a way of challenging myself to be okay with imperfection. For a handful of years now, I’ve also been in my head a lot more than usual. And for everything. Because of it, my drawings have gone from coherent pieces, to simply scribbles.  
If you’re someone that can relate to that feeling, then spaced out is the perfect brand for you.